Monday, January 3, 2011


I have a had full of ideas banging around in no given order.  Instead of a whirlpool, it is like an agitator.  Too much stuff all at once, topped off by frustration and the doubt that tomorrow is going to be productive.  I have to get to bed, maybe that will make my happier.
I did have a nice time though.  Lorraine came back into my life after over a decade of absence.  Rio came back into my life after more than two decades of absence.  A friend of mine told me that I was the one positive influence in her life. George, good old George made my day by telling me that his father's favorite group to hate was Catholics.  Now that made my day.  Somehow I was in the proper mood and disposition to enjoy being hated, even if the hater had been long gone from this world for ages.  I liked it because it was focused.  Somehow, right now, I want focus.
If that made my day, my dear friend, my very dear friend who calls me "Sensei" even though I don't know a "chop" from a "slap" or whatever else you call those silly Karate moves.  So Sensei it is.  He sends me to an article that some social psychologists wrote about people of 70 years of age and above are happier than younger people.  It's long article, real long.  If I was a happy 70+ year old codger before reading the article, I decided not to be once I got half-way through the scientific excogitations of some miserable 45 year old professor.  Now I got you wondering what could be so nefarious about the article.  Well, go here and see for yourself.
By the way, did you ever see a picture of the airplane that Kamikaze pilots flew?  I just did, about an hour ago.  My friend from Japan sent it to me.  I mean, I've been told to go fly a kite now and then, but don't you think that this is a bit much?  Think about it.  I wonder if he knows that I have a blog entitled "No Crying at my Funeral?"   Or you can try this    So see, it has been a strange day.  I also had an interesting experience about something that I have had thoughts about for many years.  When I have time, maybe tomorrow, I'll tell you what they are.  In the meantime, welcome back to the post-holiday world of work...HeHeHe!  See, I'm a happy septuagenarian, just like the scientist said!

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