Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It has been years that I have had this thought.  I guess it is about time that I put it out there for everyone to see some of the darker side of my aging grey matter.  I promised myself that I would try not to be grouchy in these pages, so maybe this should go to my other blog, "Crusty Kurmujjin".  You can click on the title right there on the right hand side of the page.  There's some pretty good stuff there, even though it is rather curt and spicy in parts.  But I have been harboring this thought for many, many years and it popped into my head a week or so ago.  So, before it decides to abandon me, I had better pay it some attention.  It's strange that ever since I had the inspiration to do this, I keep having my bell rung.  I have to admit that I hope that some of the thoughts that I have indeed dropped, will come back.
The one "ping" that I keep getting is about the minimum wage.  The argument on the one side is that it is an unnecessary law because the market will determine what it should be.  On the other side, we hear that it is impossible for a family to "survive" on $8.25 per hour.  My thought is that if all the laborer can do is to stack oranges in pyramid shapes, $8.25 per hour is already too much.  It is also already plenty for our friend the security guard in the upper right hand corner.  I have a lot of experience as a security guard.  I was never paid more than minimum wage.  Hell, I even stayed awake for every moment that I was on the job.  I even had my life threatened twice.  But that happened to me as human resources director too.  Even at $125,000 per year, that threat does keep you looking in your rear view mirror.  So, at that point, as at every other point of income, cautious is cautious,  dead is dead.
So frankly, I think that every job should have a value, and that not all jobs should be expected to be valuable enough to support a family.
I don't want to get overly personal here, but on this point I know whereof I speak.  I've had some of both.  Big is better, but small is better than nothing.  I just don't think that every single job in the world is of equal value, neither to the employer, nor to society andnot even to the person doing the work.  Right this moment I am doing billing clerk  work for a small company.  I get paid about 1.25% of the amount  that I bill.  I have no problem with that.  Just how valuable is a billing clerk supposed to to be?  Damned if I know! I'll tell you what it is worth at this moment...it pays the rent.  It also helps to keep me at the proper testosterone levels.  At my age, I'll take it.  Money ain't everything.

1 comment:

  1. George:
    Are All Jobs Equal?: No job has any value if the person who holds the title doesn't do any work! A job value is directly related to the effort the person who holds the title positively accomplishes. As you will agree, some people's effort always turns to shit and that has no value!
    Fancy titles are a dime a dozen; people who actually work hard regardless of their title, are hard to find!
