Sunday, January 16, 2011


I remember the silly sayings of George Gobel, innumerable moons ago. "Funny thing happened to me today.  I was walking downtown when I turned into a drug store."
That didn't happen to me, but in fact a funny thing did happen to me today.  If you want to call what it was, "funny."
I don't know why, but after writing all that stuff about one million eyeballs, I decided for the first time to "Google" myself.  I have to admit that I was rather impressed.  There I was on the third line with my picture.  A little mug shot back in the days when I was a little more beefy.  I did in fact make it on more than one line.  My blog, "No Crying at My Funeral" was there too.  Not too bad for a small town boy, says I.  I was doing quite well so I got sassy and decided that I would turn the page and see what I could find.  After all, after more than one million eyeballs, I figured that there would be something else.  That's when it happened.  Right there on the second page, near the top there's a Paul Dion who maintains a web sight of nude male movie stars.  Really.  No lie.  Of the 116 Paul Dion people in this country (according to Google, right there on the first page), not 15 names on down the list, there he is, the guy with the nice name and the daring enterprise.  I have to tell you, I wasn't very happy, but I did find a way to make lemonade.
I remembered the genealogy of Jesus and my mind took me right to Rahab.  Click there and read all about it.  You can check out the genealogy right here in the very first chapter of Matthew.  So, we're not any better than Jesus, now are we?  So now that "Google" has put me in my place, you are all surely so happy that you've just decided that you don't have to cry at my funeral.

1 comment:

  1. Justa says:

    The incident at Cherico. Yes, we always dismiss the obvious. Is it still a guess
    or the obvious did happen? Double whamo, business with pleasure. I wonder.
    The front was bussiness and back a family home. Heck, all's well that ends well.
    Innocent, I am not.
