Thursday, September 28, 2017

$16,000,000 vs $32,000 SON OF A BITCH vs MOTHERHOOD AND APPLE PIE

I have been boycotting professional sports for many years now for reasons that touch on the (im)morality of the relationship that the athletes and the owners and the media and the public have with one another.  To state that the athletes are disparaging our great country is pure, fresh fertilizer straight from the source.  The salary of the successful career military professional will never attain 8 digits but his healthy life expectancy will outdistance that of the millionnaire athlete whose conditioning regimen and violent livelihood will cut his life expectancy by decades in comparison. Both will have to overcome huge statistical odds to gain the promotions and professional status that they attain.  Both will be compensated according to their state in life.  Both know what to expect and neither one will be jealous of the other because both will be at home with the status that they have achieved.  Given that incontrovertible fact, each will have reasons to exercise the freedom of expression that is guaranteed to each and everyone of the citizens of the United States of America.  To imply that the $16,000,000 guy should be happier than the $32,000 one is to be blind to the human fact that gold alone is not the source of happiness.  (Don't forget to add about 45% more to the $32K for non-cash benefits, present time and post active duty.  Don't worry, all that will not equal $16 Mil)
To see a similar, but slightly different way of expressing myself on this topic, you can click here if you are so inclined.

Furthermore, I am shaking my head at the accusation that those who demonstrate disagreement with the expectations of others when they exercise  the freedoms that we all have because of the sacrifices of those who have created this country thanks to courageous revolutionary demonstrations are disrespecting the flag and the country itself.

The son of a bitch who leveled that accusation at the players is spitting on the graves of those who broke the yoke of the Kingdom that never dreamed of granting such freedom to its subjects.  That same Kingdom now imitates the life that the Son of a bitch in the West Wing is supposed to be protecting, not accusing.  
Oh, by the way, what is he, the self declared billionnaire, complaining about?  Shouldn't he be the first to shut up and be happy with his mountain of gold?  All he ever does is complain.  If America is not so great, as he himself proclaims (MAGA ???) why isn't it OK to demonstrate dissatisfaction, like he does all the time?  

This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Village Idiot son of a bitch Trump is nothing but a pile of human detritus, wannabe dictator of the national territory between Canada and Mexico.  I have lived during the presidency of the following:
Tommy Smith & John Carlos
Mexico City Olynpics, 1968
  1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945
  2. Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953
  3. Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953-1961
  4. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963
  5. Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969
  6. Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974
  7. Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974-1977
  8. James Earl Carter, Jr., 1977-1981
  9. Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-1989
  10. George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993
  11. William Jefferson Clinton, 1993-2001
  12. George Walker Bush, 2001-2009
  13. Barack Hussein Obama, 2009-
  14. and, of course, Village Idiot Trump
During this time there have been many public demonstrations against racist, white supremacist violent and cruel behavior against African American people.  Never, NEVER has any one of these men, some of whom had rather colorful vocabularies, as the stories have it, never, in 80+ years has any one of them ever called a segment of the populace of the USA "Son of Bitch."
There are those who would think that if anyone could have said something similar, it could have been LBJ, the sitting president at the time.  The two athletes in the picture above did what they did on the international stage of the Olympic Games in Maxico City(1968), and LBJ dealth with it in a professional, diplomatic way.  

There is a long history of National Anthem protests.  The latest one is far from the first and I predict, far from the last.  The Village Idiot president of the United States these days says that these people do not have the right to protest because they make a lot of money.  Therefore, the white supremicist president is saying, they should be quietly comfortable in their corner of the plantation and enjoy the privilege of their riches.  Their human freedom is limited to the boundaries of their bank account.  Thanks, Village Idiot.  Is that how you define your freedom, racist son of a bitch?  

This meme of yours makes you the lowest breed son of a bitch of the land.
You are wrapping yourself in the flag while you never dare to challenge Putin, you never accuse the killer who drove a vehicle into the crowd in Charlottesville, Virginia and you continuosly and viciously attack the media.  So, don't wrap yourself in the flag that signifies freedom of speech, even to the point where you can use foul and insulting language against African Americans.  You are so steeped in your idiocy that you don't realize (or you have actually intended) that speech of that degree of insult coming from you, the president of the country, can actually be an illegal threat against the safety and security of the person(s) to whom it is directed.

You, the Village Idiot POTUS, son of a bitch,  make us ashamed to be citizens here.  Thanks to your warped mind and idiotic behavior your place in the USA history Hall of Shame is guaranteed.  

Monday, September 18, 2017


Image result for border wall
Unmistakable sign of weakness
Border walls are the greatest proof of weakness that governments display in the name of national security, job protection and of course, racial "purity."
Weakness?  You bet.
1. Weak border control at the gates.  
2. Weak visa enforcement re. students, tourists, sales reps, politicians, etc.
3. Weak tracking of holders of temporary stay visas.
4. Weak enforcement of labor laws.
5. Fear of loss of campaign contributions from those who hire low wage undocumented migrants

These are but a few elements of our national weakness concerning the entry and stay of migrants.  In order to escape our national responsibility to govern and enforce the migratory movements of  people in our land, there are some who insist on delegating these responsibilties to brick and mortar.  History has shown us that brick and mortar and even other more or less sophisticated erections do not do anything more than to make those who built them happy for a short period of time.  After a while they all become nothing more than tourist attractions and historical footnotes.  The proof of this is spread out over our planet, from sea to shining sea and from fruited to non-fruited plain.

My position to the government of the United States is:  Save money.  Get in your car and go find those who are thumbing their noses at the existing immigration and related labor laws and you will solve what you seem to believe is a problem.  Believe me, building a wall is not going to stop the US employers from hiring non documented fact, those employers will smuggle people in through the existing gates - mark my words.