Monday, March 7, 2011


I got this for my birthday.  Very discreet.  No date.  No happy Birthday Song buried in a 21st century voice chip.  Just the fact that it came from three women makes it special.  The other thing that makes it special is that of the three paper birthday cards that I have received this year, all three were humorous ones.  I guess that the older you get the funnier you look makes you a target of the younger, tickle the bottom of your feet crowd.  So, I went to check it out, you know, how funny I look?  Yeah, I actually broke my resolution to never look in the mirror again.  Yeah, I did make a resolution like that.  My body is just so much of a wrinkled mess that I can't stand the sight of it.  So, I stay away from anything that has a chance to reflect my image back at me.  Well, the third card did it.  I went to the mirror to see what, if anything might have improved over the last few months.  EEEeekkk!  Nope, nothing.  Thank you ladies for the wonderful reminder.

Not only that.  These are ladies with whom we have been studying the Bible for at least 3 years.  So they know that I can understand Bible jokes.  This one is really cute.  It shows that after The Fall, men didn't get any smarter.  But then again, neither did women.  But I forgive them.  After all, they hadn't got used to the laws of nature yet.  You now what I mean, "Be careful of what you ask for."  Then there's the other one that says, "When in doubt, shut up."  Or, "wait until the funeral then you'll have to say only nice things."  You get the drift, right?

All laughing and joking aside, the ladies did paper the naughtiness over with a Jackson and a Hamilton.  Which, when you think of it shows that Mammon does have a little sway over us all.  So I am exceedingly grateful to my friends for showing me such free flowing generosity.  I can't figure out what I did to deserve it, but then again, I guess that's what makes gifts so special.  You get them without deserving them.  Thank you, God, and thank you, ladies. 

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