Tuesday, February 8, 2011


WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) Really?  Do you really guide yourself by that?  Is the human behavior of Jesus a source of saving grace for you?  Do you really believe that Jesus' human behavior is as important as the Scripture that describes it?  Do you really delve into the depths of why Jesus acted the way(s) He did?  Are you so interested in the Writing that you never get to really know Jesus based on His behavior?  Do you dare to think that the human behavior of Jesus could take on the dimension of being "another gospel?"  Let me share some of the behaviors of Jesus that really take on special meaning for me.(Footnote 1)
1> Slipping away from Mom and Dad to do something really neat after what must have been a truly boring ritual-filled Passover stay-over in the Big City.  We don't know what He was asking of the Temple leaders.  I personally can't stop wondering if He asked about all the business that was being conducted in the vast atrium in front of the main door.  I often wonder if this was not one of those childhood moments when He would have thought, "Someday, WWWhhhaaammmmm!
2> Slipping away from the hustle and bustle of every day life and spending some time alone in the desert.  I suspect that John did that too, and never really recovered.  The closest John seemed to get to civilization was the Jordan River Banks.  Jesus took the same route but was less averse to city life.  Jesus had nomadic blood in Him for sure.  Always on the move and always looking for a chance to tuck away in a corner someplace for quiet time with the Spirit.
3> Look 'em in the eye and tell 'em straightaway the expectations.  Say it once, underlined with that Clint Eastwood stare, and move on.  I'm sure that the truth darting forth from those eyes was much more daunting than inviting.  That didn't bother Him.  He knew the Scripture.  He knew that of the many who heard the invitation, only few would follow.  So what?   At one point we even hear Him asking, "... And you, do you want to leave too?"
4> He was a "believer."  He was a good Jew, better than so many who lived near the heart of the religion, Jerusalem and the Temple.  He grew up 100 miles to the north in the rival kingdom of Jacob.  Galilee was a hodge podge of civilizations then and still is today.  Jesus was unlike his typical forebears who sought the country of their kin for security and prosperity.  Jesus lived away from His kin.  He was pre-occupied with the Other and entrusted His mission to the Remnant.  
So, when you say that you love Jesus, be sure to be ready because from that moment on your on the "E" ticket ride of a lifetime.
(Footnote 1:  It took me many decades to get to this point.  It is so much easier to read about,lick your chops in satisfaction and wait to see if He's going to do anything about taking care of you.  Good luck.  See #3 above.)
This is another one of those times when I know you've already made up your mind not to cry at my funeral.  Don't cave.  Jesus will love you more with a stiff upper lip and a sincere heart.

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