Monday, February 14, 2011


Blank --- I don't have the courage to leave this white
Since after all, I've paid ten dollars for this site.
So whether or not I have an idea or a thought,
I refuse to let this sandbox of mine go for aught.
So if you think that this is an exercise without a source
Just as a knight afoot, is still a knight, without a horse,
Can you imagine what an idea could possibly be
Without a thought brave enough to set it free?
Or are you sitting there, wondering still
If food for real brain growth this space will fill
Or if nothing but strained and insipid drivel
Will drip, drool, slobber, slaver and sniffle
Until the slimy goo over the lower edge will flow
To invade the cyber circuits and cause them to blow?

There are many facts that we all must admit as truth
Not all of which really make us equally happy, for sooth.
There's the one that says, "Length of days make us grow old."
Then there's the one that states, "Better to be meek than bold."
There are also those who would have us believe in our heart
That "Gold and silver and collections of great art"
Are the source of our happiness during our earthly wait
For our ultimate appointment before the Pearly Gate.
Let us then wend our way in life at a gentle pace
Fill our hearts and souls with love, peace, joy and grace.
Share these with each and every one, every day, all around
So that no tears for us will fall as they lay us in the ground.

Yes, I did too make it up.  
20 minutes is all it took.
After all, it ain't a book.
See it all in just 1 look.
It all fits in 1 small nook.

Ted Geisel you know I'm not.
All I've got is a dog in a pot,
Cuz Ted stole my "Cat in a Hat"
'N left me with a gnat on a bat.
My son's got a bout with the gout
'N my wife's got a lout lay-about!

Well, friends, now you know for $%@** & very sure
What you got this time
Ain't really worth a dime,
But is a blibot filled with the world's finest manure.


  1. Paul,

    Great poem. And, thanks for the Valentine Day wishes. Insomnia is not pleasant, and makes the night feel like two or three nights. No fun.

    Hope you had a Happy Vday, too.

    Love, Emelie

  2. Justa Kubarii:
    I heard a homily earlier and was so touched by this priest talking about spreading the
    faith and doing this mission and /Belle are doing. Special graces for people lke you
    like Tessie the author of Acounting said, the trials of now is nothing compares with the glory to come. Of course this is Paul' song. Thank you for the lesson last night and every day in your 365 thoughts.
