Go to XXX, fill out the basic form and we will provide the training and materials you need. Take advantage of our 35% Discount.
Go to YYY, fill out the basic form and give us the name of three of your friends who are in need of work and will teach you how to get them up and running.
Need to make your body better? Want to turn yourself from a 98 pound wimp to a 160 pound Adonis? We can get you there in 90 days. Fill out the basic form, follow the directions and we'll do the rest.
If these words seem familiar to many of you, it is because you read them on the back covers of magazines that you found either in your own home or at the homes of your friends. This is one of those human situations that proves the saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." There is always someone trying to get into your pocket. More than that, there is always someone whose able to make you feel good about having let him into your pocket. One of the funnier characterizations of this is the comedy scene where it is shown that the Indians had allowed the snake oil salesman into the camp. The scene shows how the Indians outwit the salesman through the interpreter. You know, when the salesman says three words in English and the interpreter carries on for three minutes. The silly end is that the salesman buys the ploy and loses everything to the Native Americans. The present situation resembles the humorous scene just described.
Believe it or not, the old scheme of promising large income to anyone who wants to apply the secret way of doing business at home is alive and very well. The ad goes on and on for column after column, page after page on the Internet. At the end all you have to do is to send the insignificant sum of $15.00 to acquire the secret and access to someone who can help clarify it for you. Come on! I am not 300 years old, but I have caught in to this one. I confess that that I fell for it once. I forget what it was all about, but I do remember sending $5.00 for the secret. That will tell you how long ago it was. But going forth...I received a large, well decorated envelope [9 x 12, brown], and fully stuffed with a Santa Claus middle. I ran into the house with visions of $ dancing in my head. What a blow to my ego! All it contained was a wad of newspaper pages with pictures of smiling "successful" people saying how many $ they made every week. Then, there were about five pages stapled together telling the recipient how to get others to get the secret instructions. All of this carefully worded so that the real bottom line slowly crept up on you. The same holds true for the Internet "snake oil" purveyors of today. I know this because I spend a lot of time on the Internet looking for telecommuting work. Boy, what a snake pit!
Finally, here is the punch line. This is the site you've been looking for. 43,000 job openings in Moreno Valley. Talk about Stercus Taurorum. There are only 500,000 people in Moreno Valley. I have to tell you that Moreno Valley is doing very well with jobs. All kinds. The greatest number is in the medical field. Kaiser is expanding and there is a Medical Care Park being constructed in one of the many wide open spaces of the city. Patently, there are not 43,000 openings. There are however a lot of area training "schools" ready, willing and able to take government money in the form of a student loan from you, to prepare you for those jobs. So, the wheel keeps turning, and the more it goes around the more it comes back around. Beware, it could make for excellent conversation fodder for your wacky Uncle Shatterdipicous on Thanksgiving.
John Yots:
ReplyDeleteI fell for this in the late eighties, sent $10.00 to learn what to do to stuff envelopes only to receive an envelope back explaining how it was legal to take the money from me an explain to me how to do it. I was never so mad in all my life but not because of the money it was because of my ego as I felt extremely stupid. Supposedly it works but I never tried it.
Justa Kubarii:
ReplyDeleteSorry about your experience. A friend told Josh to look in the field of medical jobs for it is in high demands. You are right. Government loans but these loans have to be paid back jobs or not. One of my relatives fell for one in Arizona, never got the job, the school taught him nothing and they were after him to pay the loan back. He took off to Palau and to this day I do not know what he does for a living except just another mouth to feed. He was not made for fishing nor farming, the contract workers from Philipine and Bankladesh, the Tawainese Contruction bring their own workers, you seem to be licked. The native business men do not want to hire the locals because they are not loyal to come to work all the time or punctual. You can do a little farming but you need land, and the land belongs to the clan and there are lots of clan members who would like the land only to sell and the feud goes on.
No! They are not the praying kind. Josh Jr. got laid off. He also was bad mouthing to the bosses for unfair management or something. No this one is not kissing asses. So I see what you are saying. Perhaps that is why the Indians did not
understand why the early settlers in this country claimed they own this river and that lake, when they cannot take it home with them.
Heeeeeee. What you think?