Saturday, November 12, 2011


So you think you know who and what you are looking at.  Really?  This is a good one because it comes from a real photo.  Where is he looking?  It ain't for nothin' that I got him off to the left.  Most of these visual and mental "hotfeet" are line drawings or some of the 3d challenges that are around this days.  You've seen them, I'm sure.  I'm good at those.  It only takes me a matter of seconds before I "see" the background figure.  In case you are wondering about this, let me dig one out for you.
These are all copyrighted, so here's the address for you
It has been said many times that the weakest evidence that can be presented at trial is the "eyewitness" testimony.  We  have all watched the television program that points this out graphically, if not perfectly correctly.  Interestingly enough, as we get older,we have to agree that it is true.  "Seein' is believin'" ain't always on da money.  Strange, isn't it?  But true.  One of my favorite Bible stories is the saga of Susanna.  I will let you enjoy yourselves by inviting you to sit on the couch sometime today and read it as a story that has a moral to it  as well as a neat ending.  [Daniel, chapter 13]  If you  can't find it, email me and I'll tell you why.  Or, you can click here for the answer to your problem.
I guess I have to visit my own life,or at least one of my favorite episodes for a good example of what I saw and what you saw.  I was driving home one night from a long night's work at a freight yard where I was a security guard.  It was about 12:30 AM and I was on the main thoroughfare approaching an intersection.  I was cruising at about 35 MPH.  I KNOW that I had a green light.  I was driving a small Korean Elantra and before I knew it, I was kissing the front-end of a HUGE YUKON.  No one ever proved what happened. I saw Green and the Yukon saw Green.  So who was right?   Well,I think that it was the Yukon because the Elantra went to heaven that night.  So, I guess that seein' ain't believin', at least not all the time, and certainly not outside of Missouri!

For those of  you who might be wondering why Soshana was bathing in her garden and not in the house, let me just say that she did it because that was where the well was.  When I was in the missions of the Philippines, I too had to bathe where the water was.  Not all the time.  Sometimes though, when I was OUT THERE in the boonies, I was not fortunate enough to have a garden in which to bathe. I used the hand pump that was handy on the corner of two paths.  I was careful to be modest, but when you are a white guy and you are in the public eye with all that white skin out in the open, you're bound to draw a crowd.  It's kinda like, "Look at him, he's glowing in the dark even if the moon isn't even out tonight!"  So, don't blame Susanna.  The  two old guys had it coming, and they got it.  Chalk one up for the bright young kid.  Where is he when we need him so badly?

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