Monday, November 14, 2011


I had quite an experience the other day.  There is something about me that may or may not come as a surprise.  I am an amateur (lover) of classical music.  Now that I have said that and you're looking at the picture, there are some of you who know what is coming next...almost.
I was driving along with the radio tuned to the classical music station.  The introduction to the next piece was Die Fledermaus.  My face broke into a smile because I like this piece.  I did not expect the emotional response that followed.  As the music worked its way onto the car, I became overcome by the  meaning of the rhythm and my insides were moving along with the music.  This doesn't happen to me very often.  At least not as often as I observe it happening to other people I know.  I see people tapping their feet, swaying their bodies, rolling their eyes and just floating over the reality of the world.  I see them on the dance floor and wonder what they are feeling.  I guess I got a little lesson about that the other day.  As I was driving along I was moving my body to the rhythm of a bat in flight as depicted by the music.  What a feeling.  In fact I came home and came right to my laptop and turned to ""  Wow, that was quite an experience too.  What happened to me there really made my day.  I am still sore from the reaction that the presentation caused.  So, as you can tell from the picture at the head of this piece, I went from the sublime to the ridiculous.  (The root word there is Latin for "to laugh.)  So, not "stupid" but laughable.  If you click here, you'll get the point.  You'll perhaps even go back for more.
So have fun.  Know that I am a guy who loves classical music, especially in the venue you're going to find at the end of this link.
Enjoy this Fledermaus by Van Gogh

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Tom and Jerry's symphony. I liked it. The bat did not attract me, thought I might say good art. Palauans eat bats and and it is a delicacy for Guamanians. I don't. I can never get that rat looks out of my system. Heeeeee. My son thought the
    the Mexican got more points. I was upstairs so I did not watch. Eyes of the beholder.
