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State Advantages and Disadvantages of Online work from home with examples.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online work from home are a reality that many people would like to live but that few are able to realize. I am not going to be able to make statements that will be universally true for everyone, but I will try to make my statement as valid for me, personally, as well as valid for other people.
I do not want to seem pessimistic, but I will start by talking about the disadvantages. The reason is, that psychologically, people, in this case, you, will remember the last things that are said longer than the first things. Since I want you to remember the better things longer, I will save them for last.
I can think of some disadvantages of working at home. One of them is the fact that the refrigerator and the cookie jar are ever close at hand. This is not good for a person who has to have some exercise in life. So, to exercise, the home worker goes to the refrigerator and snacks, and snacks, and snacks. Soon, the boyish or girlish figure is gone and clothing no longer fits.
The second one is the lack of regular exercise during working hours. There is no large office space to visit or to oversee. A person like I am gets so involved with the work to be accomplished that exercise is hardly ever taken. Not good. The third disadvantage is the fact that for many hours of work the spouse of the home worker is home. Now, we all know that the spouse has things that have to be done. The dishes, the floors, the vacuuming, the windows, and the yard. Now those things are what are called disadvantages.
The fourth disadvantage is that some people get sloppy in their personal hygiene. They get out of bed, visit mother nature, brush their hair with their hand, run to the kitchen to start the coffee and go right to the computer to see what happened overnight. It is not good to fail to take care of yourself.
The fifth, and last disadvantage that I want to name is the fact that it is psychologically proven that people who work in a group produce more efficiently than those who work alone. There is less temptation to be distracted when you work in a group and there is also more drive to let yourself be influenced by friendly competition to do more. None of that is present at home.
Now the good stuff. One, you do not have to wear a shirt and tie. In fact, if you do not want to, you don't even need a shirt.
Then there is the second advantage of being able to eat all you want, when you want. The third advantage is convenience. People can work at home and take care of an older parent or a sick spouse or child while still being able to accomplish the tasks that must be accomplished for the employer. The fourth advantage is the fact that age, especially a large accumulation of it is more comfortably accommodated at home. It is possible to walk more slowly, to hold on to the furniture and the walls, have a more comfortable chair, etc. This is important for many home workers, not to mention the need to use the xceramic fixtures more often. The fifth advantage is the comfort that the home worker has of having all the important resources close at hand. You know, the ones with all your own marginal notes in them. If I want to spend thirty minutes on Google to find an answer, I can do that. If I run into an unfamiliar web-site, I can spend some time learning about it and make up the time before I go to bed.The biggest disadvantage is that you never know if the company hiring you is honest and legal or not. I have perused the Internet and I have to admit that I am somewhat worried about this situation. I have small hints that are making me hedge my bet before I celebrate. I have to write this to prove to myself the reality of my feelings during this process. I spent a lot of time proving to these people that I know what I am doing. I hope that it has not been for nothing. I will be online with them tomorrow again. I'll see what is going on then.
There comes a time in life when the advantages of online work at home outweigh the disadvantages. Whether they really do, in fact, outweigh the disadvantages is not important to the person who wants to do it this way. The plain and simple reason why I want to do this is because I now have the freedom to apply for a job anywhere in the world. That, for me, is the real reason why I turned to this way of working. It suits me. I love the world and I love all the people in it. I love being freed from the prejudice of my "previous experience." I can work for anybody, no matter where. I can make my acquired knowledge my biggest asset for anybody, anywhere. That is why I want to do this.
Here's the conclusion. I had been told that I would receive a check to help me buy some equipment and supplies that I would need to do a good job. This morning, promptly before 10:00 AM the check came by FEDEX, overnight mail, if you please. It was for $2,865.00, made out to me. I was online, so I asked for a list of the things I was expected to buy with such a pile of $. I got a run-around answer, the gist of which was, just cash the check and I will tell you once you get back to your computer. Hmmm!?! OK. So I went to bank and told the teller this: "Please investigate this check before you even think of processing it." She asked where it came from. I told her. She processed it on her system. Shook her head. Brought it to the security manager. She invited me to sit down while the security manager looked into it. In fifteen minutes I was told that the piece of paper that had been sent to me was a counterfeit check. The story is too long for this venue, but the lesson is there. Be careful. If I have time, I will write the whole thing. For now, enjoy this and thank God that I listened to the pile of small hints that I observed along the way. I hope and pray that I find time and energy to share it with the world.
I am glad that the only harm I feel is that of working to do such a nice piece of writing for sleazy boneheads who never read it. They had me do it to keep me on the line long enough to receive their printed toilet paper.
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