Notice there is no picture here. I could not find a picture of a "guy" on Google. Yep! Google doesn't know what a "guy" is, at least not in the "images" section. Maybe it's because it does not correspond to an "x"-rated reality. You're sitting there, I think you're sitting, unless you're on the "T", standing there like an arrogant, cool, indifferent "pro" reading your I-Pad without hanging off a strap. Wow! How did I go down that path? Anyway, no matter what asana you've assumed at the moment, you're wondering why I am talking about "guys." Simple. This is an autobiography, remember. So I have to remind you about stuff that is different now than what it was 'way back then. You bet, when I was learning the English language in a bi-lingual school, we were taught that "guy" is not an acceptable word to designate a member of the male sex. Never. Bad. And don't you forget it. So, forget it, I did not. In fact it still shivers my queevates when I am sitting at a restaurant table with people whom I respect, many times 2 males and two females and the wait-person (J'ou catch that?) says, "Hi, Guys! I'm Dhieppittenstirkhous and I'm yer waiter today. I hope yer gonna have a grrreat time." Oh, Boy! I'm having a great time already. Sister Marie of the Anti-Left-Handed Angels Guardian is flip-flopping in her grave. Phew. So, there is no picture for this part of the "thought." I couldn't convince Sister Marie... to resurrect for the occasion.

So, I now turn to
KIDS. Do you know how many Humans I had to eliminate before I found a real kid. Guess. Come on, exercise the guessing quadrant of your grey matter. Go ahead, I dare you. Heeee. Ain't this fun? Ole Sister Marie of the Anti-Left-Handed Angels Guardian is having a field day sitting in the garden of Eden, in the shade of the forbidden fruit tree wondering what it's going to take to teach Americans that KIDS are animals...i.e. FOUR legged animals, like in goats. It took me 4 Google pages and five more pictures on the top row to find one. 113 humans before this one lonely specimen. Let me tell you, these two boys, Sergey Brin and Larry Page (left to right) have just flunked out of Immaculate Conception Parochial School first grade.
Too bad that their brains got turned to mush by that California School where they studied. If they couldn't learn the difference between goats and people, aren't you having fun wondering what the football players are learning?
Think about it for a few seconds. I can't, I've run out of "Thoughts."
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