the author, I don't need guts, I got balls |
I got this email today [12/14/2011]
In Blue.
We read all the jokes and forward the good ones but I just wonder who will pass this one on. How about you sending it on and back to me if you got the guts to do so. I am and just wonder how many I will get back? AND very happy to be of the 1%.
Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country! Both Republicans & Democrats We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless, etc.,?
In the last years we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Lybia, Egypt and Turkey, and Japan [Did you willingly forget Germany, France, Belgium, South Korea, Philippine Republic, Mexico, Italy, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Greece and not to mention Israel.]
Still, foreign aid makes up about 2% of the total federal budget.
Literally,BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!
Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries!
Food? Americans spent 25 billion dollars on pet food last year
Make stew out of your pet and use the money you save to buy your aspirin.
I pay $100 per month for medical insurance as a senior. Can you beat that?
The rest of the cost of my medical care as a senior is aid.
Medical aid to US residents makes up about 13% of the total federal budget.
If you add prescription drugs to the total, it is more.
We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans. Are you sure that they are "shoved aside?"
AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment -etc, etc.
YET... They have a 'Benefit' for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies. Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries.
Sad isn't it?
Why is it so sad? The people of this country spent $3.6 billion in 2011 at PetSmart! I wouldn't support them either.
99% of people won't have the guts to forward this. I'm one of the 1% --
> I Just Did
I did not have the "guts" to forward this. Instead I responded to the sender and to the members on the email list. Every now and then I take the time to do such things. It mostly happens to me in the Theology area of life, but now and then I stop lurking and come out of the dark corners.
I incorporated some of my responses into the body of the emailed text. the rest of my response follows, in black, of course.
My senior citizen brother-in-law is now recovering from about $600,000.00 worth of open heart surgery and all related services, all paid for by a combination of MediCare and Medi-Cal.
I have another brother-in-law who lives in a third world country. He is in the hospital. It won't be long now.
Let say that facts are facts, no matter what we think about them.
I know that our government is composed of people who are vicious, inhumane, lying, avaricious, vindictive, murdering, disrespectful of the sovereignty of other nations, discriminatory against many classes of human beings, etc.
This is also a country that allows us, as citizens to congregate freely, to travel when and to whichever place we desire, to speak the language that we wish, that provides information in many languages because this is a country that has no "officially mandated national language", where the citizens eat well, where people who come into it illegally do not get thrown in jail pending a $25,000 "fine" be paid for their release. In fact many of them find sustainable work and in fact are protected from abuse by law. This is a country where I or anyone else can write any opinion we have without fear of official reprisal, where I or anyone else can legally possess an entire arsenal of lethal weapons, where the people are entirely free to worship, or not, without coercion and where the people get to vote freely, or even abstain from voting freely without reprisal. Finally, this is a country that does not restrict the freedom of its residents to send unlimited amounts of money out of this country to a foreign one. I know for a fact that the amount of private money going to Mexico from the U.S. averages $ one
billion every month. This month it will be "down" from the usual Christmas to about 2.2 billion.
Yes, I am very aware of the immorality of the people who are a part of the official government, and I am also very aware of the immorality of those who influence these same official government people and finally, I am very aware of the immorality and ignorance of the of the voting public. Yes, it is partially our fault as a country for the suffering that we bring upon ourselves by the fact that we elect those who make up the government against which we rail constantly. In a democracy like we like to think that we are, we deserve the government that we elect. Read your email over again to yourself and try to calculate the average IQ of those who voted for the politicians who hold the lives of the people in their hands.
Finally I want to make the point that human history teaches us that democracies rarely "live" for more than 400 years. We are about half way there. So if we want, we can hang around to watch it happen or start doing something to reverse the tide of human history. The choice is yours, and mine.
PS Write to everyone in the government and tell them that you have a plan to cut expenses. Just two simple simple decrees:
1. Bring all military and independent contractors home from Afghjanistan, Iraq, Germany and others that I can't think of right now.
2. Cut the Postal service deliveries to M-W-F and cut out all junk mail.
Problem solved.
Now you all know that not a d...d one of you will be crying at my funeral.