Tuesday, January 31, 2012


every day in real life is
a final exam
I am going to tell you the truth about P. A. Dion, me.  I have never crammed in my life.  NEVER.  I never believed in it and I never will.  I developed a method of study that made cramming totally unnecessary.
I also started at a very early age to rebel against "studying for the exam" by studying to learn. I read the newspapers because I could learn something there.  I listened to the radio because I could learn something there.  I listened to the old people talking because I could learn something there.  I would stay close to my grandfather and my father as they worked in the cellar or outside because I could learn something there.  I watched my father do applied math and learned nothing there.  I got a C- in algebra, a C in physics and a C in chemistry.  Everywhere else I was 3.8 GPA.  Still, I never crammed for a test.  Tests were for the teachers, not for me.  I know what I know.  If you want to know what I know, talk to me, don't "test" me.  I don't play that game.  Ever since the third grade or so.  Seriously.  I was the bane of EFR Dion's existence.  He would ask me, "Did you study for the test?"  I would say, "No.  I won't fail."  He would ask, "Are you going to get 100%?"  My answer was always, "Who cares?"  His final, disgusted comment was "You've got no pride."  End of colloquy.  He was right.  I had no pride.  Still don't.  I got better.  I got arrogance.  I still can't pass a math class with more than a C- too.
Here I am, a senior citizen and I still don't believe in tests.  They are ridiculous realities.  There came a time when I allowed myself to be cajoled into taking the preliminary eligibility teacher test in California, better know as the "C-BEST."  I signed up.  Paid my $25.00.  Showed up for the 3 hour test.  Listened to the cry-babies who were there for the fourth time and after three "review" classes.  Sat down with two newly sharpened pencils and took the test.  2.25 hours later I laid the papers on the desk and returned home.  I passed, 90%.  I never got a teaching job because I am not qualified.  Heee.  Somewhere in California some poor little boy with a 130 IQ has to sit there and be "taught" by a teacher who flunked the C-BEST four times.
This post is rather long, so I will bring it to an end now.  Tests are the only measures that exist for quantifying human performance.  I know that.  So, here is my solution to the bad teacher problem in the United States.  It is a two-stage testing program.
1 stage:  Every teacher has to take a state constructed test covering the material of the grade taught the for the last 185 school days.
2 stage:  Students take a state constructed test covering the material that was supposed to be taught for the last 185 school days.
- Teachers who get a grade below 95% get suspended without pay for one school year.
- Students who make a grade of 70% advance one grade.  All others repeat the grade.
Is there anyone in government in this country with balls enough to do this?  I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. I like your 2-stage solution to the education problem. But then again, that is why you will never be elected president of the USA. You're requiring successful work as a measure of advancement from everyone. :-)
