Fatal automobile accidents = 1.57 per 100,000, third in the entire country. That is really something to be happy about. Imagine how safe you are in the streets of Moreno Valley. Only two other cities in the entire country can say that they are better. Arlington, VA is best with 0.48 and Vancouver, WA has a 1.23. It is good to hear that there is one place in Moreno Valley that you can feel safe. Just stay in the car and keep on driving. That is a good feeling. When you are in your car it is nice and cool and you have good music playing. When you're out of your car it is is generally hot (98+) and the murder rate is higher than the fatal traffic accident rate. Over the last 10 years Moreno Valley has average 4.7 murders per 100,000 residents. That's not really that bad. There are about 150,000 people here, so the chances of being bumped off are less, way less than 1%...but that's still more dangerous that tooling around the burg in your classic rag-top Eldorado. Too bad there's no A&W Root Beer place here. You could go there and feel pretty safe, especially since that was a drive-in place that existed some 50 + years ago. Hey, let me see if I can dig up an old picture. Give me a second here, and I'll see what I can find. I got one. That took me all of about .00002731 seconds. It took so long because ol' Larry and Sergey were having a little tete-a-tete. But we did all right, so I'm disposed to cut them a little slack on this one.

Now Moreno Valley is not one of the places in which I lived and rated a "+" in a previous piece. But, hey, what does a guy from San Diego know about a frontier town like Mo Val? As a matter of fact, I never in my whole existence dreamed that I would say anything good about this place. That's why I'm taking advantage of this nice rating, because tomorrow I'm going back to normal.
Because of the nasty willies that I normally get when I have thoughts about Moreno Valley, I am going to tell you one of the reasons why the fatal traffic accident rate is so low. I have to dump all of my good stuff at once so that i can go back to feeling my habitual way about this place tomorrow. I have to hurry because tomorrow is only 8 minutes away. It is because of the "In and Out Burger" place in the heart of town. Maybe it used to be A&W. Who knows?

This place always has a long line of vehicles waiting for the "Take-Out" stuff. This line is so long that it sticks out into the street and everyone has to crawl. No midnight drag racing in this place. No fancy driving in heavy "rave party" crowds here. This is an In and Out Burger corner. The secret ingredient of our low fatal auto accident virtue.
Boys and girls, you have heard the last of the sweet talk from me concerning Mo Val. Move here at your own risk. Bring lots of ice. Better yet, bring an ice-making machine. You'll need it. Also, of course, plan to spend a lot of time in your car. It will be a good safe place to be. The good side of all this is totally encapsulated in the Urban Legend Hall of Fame saying: <Ya kin live in yer car, butcha can't drive yer house.>
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