Saturday, June 23, 2012


I have been thinking of the self-deportation idea that we have been hearing about for a while.  After all the history of the human race, there are still those who have the inane idea that it is possible to eliminate a given class of people from a given territory.  I shake my head at the thought that there are some people on the face of the planet who really think that they can sweep their floor so clean that there will be no one left but those that they like.  So you make life hard for them all and they'll leave.  Now if there ever was a trainful of stercus taurorum flowing though the airwaves of this country, this one has to be the winner.  I guess we could start by making the argument that if Moses and his people could walk across the desert for 40 years to get to the Promised Land, human resolve must have been proven.  Oh, I forgot, they were escaping from Egypt.  How true.  Where were they going?  Back to where they lived before going to Egypt.  Once they got there, they asserted themselves and militarily took the place over.  Then of course they were conquered and brought to Persia as slaves.  They gave the Persians such fits that King Cyrus decided he didn't want them any more and sent them back home.  BUT... Never did 100% of them leave.  They never do.  Some stayed in Egypt because they knew how to circumvent the system.  Some of the Philistines stayed in the Promised land because the Israelites couldn't get rid of all of them.  Nobody self deports - except those who want to. Yes, friends, even white people from this dear land of ours self-deport.  Come to think of it, it might not be a bad idea if we white people left and all decided to go to the warm southern climes of Mexico and gave this hulk of ice and snow to the Mexicans.  That would be a fair swap...we give them all the cold and we take all the warm.  
You think I'm laughing?  Look what we did to the natives who were here long before us.  As bad as we were to them, we couldn't get them to self deport, could we?  They couldn't get us to leave either, right?  In the end we gave them all the arable rocks that they wanted and kept the miserably terrible watershed of the major waterways in the middle.  Aren't we sweethearts, though?  I don't want to make any disobliging comparisons here, but we all know that despite the waves of self-deportation from Europe in the mid thirties, and the megalomanic efforts to get rid of the Jews, that didn't work either.  They though that they had it bad in Egypt and Persia!
Our minds are full of examples that there is always someone left standing.  To those who would like to cleanse this country of those who do not belong here, I say, do your best.  The rest of us will enjoy telling the story of your insanity.  The illegal entrants into this country aren't going anywhere.  They're too smart for us.  There are millions of them who are still here because they overstayed a legal visa.  They didn't even have to get their feet wet crossing the Rio Grande.  Remember the 28 students who came to this country from the Middle East some ten years ago.  They were here two days and we lost track of them.  We're so stupid that we can't keep track of 28 students from a part of the world where we were engaged in a war.  And we're talking about having millions self-deport?  This is so totally insane that it makes me think that we ought to re-legalize frontal lobotomies.
My final argument as to why self-deportation will not work.  The people who want it to happen will cheat the system and get rich giving and taking bribes from the very people who are supposed to make it work.  You don't believe me, consider this.
In 1986 Senators Simpson and Mazzoli crafted a law that granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.  In the same law there was tough language prohibiting the employers of the United States from hiring those who had no documents.  A system was put in place.  Screening was the name of the game.  If an employer was caught employing illegal aliens it would be cause to be fined $10,000.00 per day per illegal employee on the payroll.  It didn't work then, and it won't work now.  Reason?  There's no easier way for our elected officials to get rich than to protect the rich employers from being punished for breaking the law.  If the government of this country was honest and enforced the immigration laws that have already been passed, we would not have some of the problems that we have.  Don't blame the illegals.  Blame the avaricious government officials who protect their friends rather than to do their job.
I know whereof I speak.  I sent many an illegal packing during my working years.  I was a Human Resources Director for many, many years.  I had opportunities to be treated very well by government contractors and others if only I would hire the next Einstein that they were presenting me.  If only I would not "clean house."    I followed the law.  If I could do it, the guys who passed the law should be able to do it.  But they don't, and they won't.  
So politicians, do the impossible.  When it comes to immigration, shut your trap, unless you want to confess.

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