So, anyway, now you know that I have the thought. I have told you. If I declare my top five, I will not lie [actually because of the tie, there are 6]. I am also telling you that I want to respect your feelings and I just want to have you respect the fact that sometimes there are some thoughts that can cause discomfort. I guess it is important for me to tell you that it is a mind-set that I have had for many, many years, but that I only now put it on the table.
I finally decided to take the first step. I figure that I had better publish something about this before one of the remaining beings is still around...and he's 86 and having physical troubles. He is also within my reach these days, so I decided that I may as well go public about him, without getting mushy and weak-kneed about the whole thing. Besides, he isn't the # 1. I don't have to name the # 1 because those of you who know me already know who it is. Those of you who follow this blog should also know by now. So now I have stepped off the first step. So you've got EFR Dion. If you didn't, you haven't been listening. The Baby sitter in # 4 position is Shirley Dame. She was not only beautiful, he was loving and kind. I have since come to know that it is perhaps more that she was beautiful because of her loving-kindness and not loving and kind as the after-thought. You know what I mean. How many of you know "Beautiful" people who are never going to take home the blue ribbon for being among the top ten best looking results to come out of God's oven? So Shirley is tied for 4th. The # 2 slot goes hands down to Joseph Thibault. The most efficient iron-hand in a velvet glove that I have ever known. The wonder about him is that the velvet glove was not woven from "political" sweet-talk. Nope. It was all truth. It was the warm part of the cold, hard truth inside. Joseph was my maternal grandfather.
The # 5 on the list is the 86 year old guy I'm talking about. His name is Maurice Cardinal, La Salette Missionary Priest. The best.
So that leaves # 3 and # 4. I'll just say that there are no surprises there. Just insert the names and you'll be right.
Finally, if anyone knows where Shirley is, maybe I should tell her what she accomplished some 65 years or more ago. That would make her somewhere in the 80 or 90 range. Despite that, I ain't scratching her off the list. :-)-- Ha, and you thought you could negotiate something, eh?! Heee!
Take it easy, boys and girls.
I have to confess. It is now time for me to throw myself into the cuddly arms of Morpheus who happens to be in the # 1 spot at this very moment.
I put the Japanese Kangi symbols for man and woman up there for this presentation for anonymity's sake. It took me a long time to figure out how the Japanese and the Chinese got around to making these stick figures mean what they mean. You care to take a whack at it without Googling it? Have some fun, give it a try and tell me. I won't jack you around. I'll tell you the truth.
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