Friday, March 9, 2012


Here we are in language again.  I have been doing a lot of translating lately and so my mind gets filled with so many words and sentences and genders and what preposition goes here and what one would make it a hanging participle, etc.  So today I had a word run through my mind, out of the blue.  Believe it or not it was during a moment of distraction from a French project that I was drowning in.  What surprised me was that it is a short word.  Not one of the sesquepedalian gems that I usually think of.  You know what?  Microsoft doesn't even know how to spell sesquepedalian.  I want my money back.  So it is a short one this time.  People from Massachusetts don't have too much trouble with this one because there are at least two warehouses that I know of in the eastern part of the state who claim to be victualers.  Now, I'm on a roll.  Microsoft doesn't know that word either.  So I leave it up to you to look it up.  Right now I am not in the mood for victuals.  I am in the mood for feeding my raging concupiscence...but that isn't going work because it is too late ad I have to get up early.  Besides, as I write this, my computer is developing into a story of its own.  If it still alive by tomorrow, I'll tell you all about it. I have to talk to Jo-El about a You Tube possibility about this Dell.  Anyway, let's hope that we are all able to get vertical tomorrow.

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