Sunday, March 25, 2012


So, I've been gone for a few days.  Here are a couple "Tweets" to let you know where I've been, what I have done and what I failed to do, what I will remember to do again and what I remember not to repeat again.
Isn't this the Hula Queen?  Really,
she's Hapa - Anything

1. I went to Anaheim, California to attend a gala special Mass centered on the American Indian Culture.
This was to celebrate the upcoming canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha, the Mohawk maiden who died some 400 years go in the northeastern corner of North America. This picture captures the "sanctuary" with the presiding priest, an indigenous person who always celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with his feathers in hand.  The music was Tom-tom and the procession into the worship space was danced in the American Indian way, keeping time with feet and body movements as dictated by the drum beat.  When American Indians are celebrating, they don't walk anywhere, they dance to get there.  What an attitude!  I love it. The Mass was very emotional.  I could really carry on, but I have another "Tweet" or two for you.
      :=: :=: :=: :=: :=: :=: :=: 
2. The evening before we went to a ramen (Ramen is Japanese for a sort of noodle soup.) house that #2 son wanted to taste again.  So we want.  Now you have to understand that ramen houses are holes in the wall, never to be confused with the much more upscale sushi bar.  Ramen houses are very likely to have steam pipes running overhead and all kinds of noises emanating from behind the counter [the kitchen, actually].  Ramen houses do not have any pretensions of being genteel.  No sireee.  They are "Popeye, the Sailor Man" kinds of places.  Good food?  If that's what you like.  Good prices?  Not on your life.  Ambience? That's good for the French.  So I had the #2, one-half size chicken ramen.  It was chicken, but I think that all the chicken it had was in the name.  What it lacked in chicken it made up for in salt. I haven't had anything this well preserved ever since I accidentally got a small swig of the Dead Sea.  I can still taste them both.
You can tell, that this is the one thing that I did that I will remember not to repeat again.

3. Lastly, there's the story about the Marriott Hotel fish and chips that I had for dinner.  This was a magnificent opportunity to sit and enjoy the company of a person whom Belle and had not seen for many, many years.  it was for me a great opportunity for that reason and for the satisfaction that I always get to be in the aura of "old folks."  That is she, in the traditional shawl of the American Indian woman, standing there between me and next to the "Hapa-Anything" squaw.  She treated us to the dinner and it was wonderful.  We just sat there and enjoyed one another for the time that we were together.  We parted after the meal with promises to visit one another again soon.  Human beings always do that.  It's a rare occasion that we bid one another a "fond" Adieu and sincerely mean it.  The last time I did that was when Christina and I took our final leave.  It's a good read, even if I do say it about something I wrote.
Anyway it was a fine evening with Josephine.
The fish and chips, you ask?
Damn near killed me.  But I'm OK now.
This was the Marriott, not a ramen house!  Hmmmm.  
I won't sue.  Being with my American Indian friend and the fake "Hapa" can't ever be repaid anyway.
4. Oh, I forgot.  What I failed to do?  I failed to take my laptop with me so that I could write to you all.  I forgot it, I really did.  "Please believe me, let me go..."

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