Sunday, February 19, 2012



Every now and then we narrate experiences that cause personal reactions that differ with the ones that we know.  The interesting part of the meeting of the two positions is that we have to be honest about the value of each.  Since it is rare that each side of the truth is absolutely equal, an honest weighing of them is essential if any progress is to be made in life.  I therefore have to make you all aware that my opinion about marijuana has been called into question by some of you and outright condemned by another.  That's three.  The condemnation was from the very first.  If I apply the soup kitchen cockroach theory, "if you see one, you know that there are a lot more where that one came from," -- or the "silent majority" -- it is imperative that I beg pardon from you all.  
I admit that over the time of the "365 Thoughts..." blog I have made some humorous and cavalier remarks about marijuana and alcohol.  At my age I should know better.  I am not without knowing the destructive effects that are caused by these two drugs.  In my professional life I have had to discipline severely victims of addiction to the one or the other.  Having been enlightened by those memories should have made me censor myself before offending you with wise cracks about how I enjoyed the use of the illegal weed in the shadier corners of my past.  
It is true that as we go forward into the years, what we leave behind often becomes the grist for our humor mill.  The narrow escapes from exploding firecrackers; the “near misses” while driving the family sedan; the sneaking into the movie theatre without getting caught and finally, in my case, the story of the window I broke with a snowball and was able to escape retribution.  To the degree of immorality that these adventures may be, they do stay away from causing the ruination of lives.  They somehow float around in the backwater of our minds while making an occasional appearance when we are exchanging past foibles.  I made the mistake of including marijuana and alcohol use among those that might be categorized as “harmless.”    Please forgive me.
With a sinner's past like that, I need a saint's future.  If I get it, you will not have to cry at my funeral.

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