Sunday, October 16, 2011


So, you thought that you had seen everything.  Well, you haven't, not yet.  I have just been advised by Mssrs Page and Brin (Mssrs. Google) that now as I am writing using their famous program,,  the program itself is going to help me by making word suggestions for me to choose from as I go forward.  I turned it on for the fun of it to see how it would work.  The advertising said that if I have writer's block and keep stuttering in my writing and trying to find a way to express something, the suggestions will turn up in grey, shadowy forms just ahead of the last character that I had put into the ether in order to give me some help with my literary skills.  So far I haven't really had to use it because I am usually quite good at handling the thoughts as they flash across my electro-chemical cranial system.  I have turned the artificial intelligence and it is rather nice.  I have a bunch of words that are constantly sitting in front other my cursor.  So far I have not been impressed.  Let me tell you that if a surgeon had the level of skills that this electric artifical intelligence has, I would bet that we would have a lot of funny looking humans running around.  Sadly, after I stopped typing for about about 30 seconds after the word "around"  the electronic word and idea donors were nowhere to be found.  Maybe they were out looking for matching DNA profiles or something of that nature.  It would be quite embarrassing to have to answer for so many rejections due to mental incompatibility.  Hey, my donor just jumped a synapse and came up with a word.  Not one that I would have rejected, but it was a good one.  Seven syllables too!  I'm wondering if this artificial intelligence and( Hall!) Oh, Oh, I knew it.  I am smarter than this idiot computer.  See that word in red up there.  I was forced by the artificially intelligent Boob inside my magic box to leave it there.  I outfoxed this idiot in less than 200 words.  You see, I wanted to write O.R. for Operating Room, it wouldn't let me.  Then, I wanted to write HA! in jubilant victory over the narrow-minded electronic control freak.  He/she? wouldn't let me do it.  No victory dance in the end-zone.  Let me tell you, my fun is finished.  I just found out that I have been right for the last 74.6 years.  I am smarter than a hunk of iron encasing a jumble of copper, gold and ceramic.  Phooey!  Never again.  I caught you off base after 10 minutes.  You're a Bozo.  Nice try Brin!  Good stab, Ol' Page.  I'm passing on this one.  I will make up my own phonemes as they come.  That grey mush that I have locked in between my ears is better than your silicon sweethearts.  So, all you writers out there.  When you have "writer's block", sit on it.  Don't turn on the electronic anticipatory thingy.  A little rest and maybe even a sip of ethyl enervation will get you going much more effectively than "Google Scribe", the haughty moniker that they tried to pass off on us poor humans.  Ha!  Google will never measure up to my amanuensis.  You're fired, Google Scribe.  I'm taking my marbles and going home.  I am.  All the way back to the first third of the 20th century.  I'll show you whose got his act together.
I had fun with this.  I hope you did too.  I'm serious.  If you're a blogger, don't turn that little gadget on.  It'll drive you nuts and to the bar long before it drives you do the bank or the church. :-)

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