Thursday, October 13, 2011


I was out doing some housework this morning.  I actually did accomplish something, if not the things that neither you nor the Voice from the Kitchen would guess.  Or maybe, you did guess because of the feature photo.  No, I did not throw them out.  No, I did not package them and ear-mark them for some poor, inner city orphan.  I figured that if I could trundle them around with me for ten years already, if I am going to package them for anything, it's going to be for the cremation oven.  I figure that if I don't build them, no one else will.  So there.  I know that I should not have that kind of attitude.  I know that somewhere out there sits some poor young man or girl [wait!  Girl?  Hmmm... You sure?] OK, I won't erase it.  ...I say, some young man or girl who could be kept off the streets and/or out of the hookah bar if I taught them how to enjoy the process of constructing model airplanes.  But then if I did that, what would you do in the morning when the best e-mail of your life would not arrive?  You'd go nuts, is what you would do.  I know it.  Even if you don't read it, you at least know that I am alive.  For some of you, that's a good thing.  We won't mention the others.
Frankly, I decided to throw this thought out on the table for you all.  It is a real thought.  I am quite sure that you've read me saying it before, but hey, if it's good, you'll enjoy it twice, right?  You'd better.  You know that there's a Latin saying that says just that.  So if it was good enough for Cicero, it should be good enough for you, right?  So back to the real thought thingy.  I truly have been dreaming for many, many years now of building the Stearman bi-plane.  I even bought this kit for the outrageous sum of $27.00.  Then some unforeseen things started to happen.  I moved away from my work bench to be with my wife.  You know, HER.  Life has never been the same since that fateful day.  Six years ago, I did the same thing, except that there was no work bench to move away from.  But I still had my model kits and my tools, oh yeah.  So there they sit.  
In the meantime, a guy by the name of www.ParishWorld,net caught me by the scruff of the neck and really tapped into a deeper part of my soul than even the Stearman bi-plane had been able to reach.  He needed someone who knows how to pray, and knows why he prays and is not afraid to say it out loud.  He also needed someone with my educational background to help him avoid the doctrinal mistakes that could get him in trouble with the Vatican CIA, otherwise known as the guy sitting next to you in church.  So, I was hooked.  Old missionaries never die.  They just wish they would.  It's the only way a missionary ever gets to take a rest.  Don't believe me?  Ask my 88 year old missionary brother down the street.
Anyway, I start reading and writing.  I start one blog and I share it with him.  Before long I get to wanting to vent more freely, so I start another blog, all my own.  Six years later I now have direct and real time influence over four blogs and I mess around with others just for kicks.  Given this depth of passion, I have no time for Mr. Stearman nor for Mr. Mitsubishi.  So my life has changed.  I'm enjoying myself, somewhat.  I won't tell you what the "somewhat" is all about, so don't ask.  So there you have it.  I love what I do, but I still haven't got to kiss the girl yet.  I think of it more than I let on.  Oh, by the way, I hit the California Lotto last night.  $1.00.  I'm retiring in about an hour...for the night. :-) 

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