Saturday, December 4, 2010


Now, come on, you don't expect your blogger to pay anyone the ultimate compliment (plagiarize) right?  Now when you don't have a thought to share, shouldn't you admit it?  I mean, I didn't even go to Google to snatch a picture of a block.  I found a way to make a file of something small enough to put here.  Actually, that's my secret of survival.   I ask myself how many things I have had to do in my life that had to come from an empty well.  You know, manage a team in a second language, run a school, start a model farm, manage an apartment complex, paint homes, run a switchboard (The old plug-in type), write employee manuals, manage the risk management of a multi-million dollar per year enterprise, manage a factory in a different country and finally to make a long story short, market myself to the world in order to make a living.  
Believe me, I am proud of that.  I am proud of the fact that if I lose a job in the line to which I am accustomed, I can find work anywhere and succeed.  I have found work during good times and during bad ones.  I have a secret.  I always ask for work, not a job.  During hard times I have found work when my opening line was, "You have work that no one else wants to do.  Give it to me."  That is usually work that no one has to be trained for.  I got jobs that were graveyard telephone answering service operator on Friday, Saturday and Sunday;  There was  the job where I had to get up at 2:30 AM to be standing at the front door of my first passenger at 4:00, six days per week; There was the job where I had to stock and restock shelves in a soap and beauty supplies shop during nights in the Christmas season; there was the cashier / bus boy at the Taco shop where the owner was a flaming b____!  There was the security guard job at a construction site in an undesirable part of town, graveyard shift, of course.  So friends, writer's block or not, when you are my age, you can always pull a rabbit out of your hat because there is always something that can be produced from the wellspring of your warped and twisted mind.  
No plagiarism allowed.  No digging back into another blog for a "Best Of..." repeat.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go back to my other job.  Nope, it ain't my day job.  I haven't had one of those in quite a while!  I'm doing this because no one else wants to do it.

1 comment:

  1. I have a bunch of house chores that no one else wants to do -- cooking, cleaning, windows, etc. If you're ever in need of work, give a call! :-)
