Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Dicit ei Pilatus: "Ergo rex es tu?"  (So, you are a king?)  (Ref. John 18; verses 37 and 38)
Respondit Iesus: "Tu dicis quia rex sum ego. Ego in hoc natus sum, et ad hoc veni in mundum, ut testimonium perhibeam veritati. Omnis qui est ex veritate, audit meam vocem ". 
Dixit itaque ei Pilatus: "Quid est veritas?  What is truth? (Pontius Pilate)
This question was posed 2,000 years ago, and it wasn't new, even back then.

This article is provoked by the fact that I feel as though I have reached a point of about 210 degrees fahrenheit when it comes to the way that the lack of truth in our daily interactions has just about become 100%.  
The truth does not seem to be a part of our daily lives any more.  Even in our very own living rooms.  I was at a birthday party (a quiet, old people's type celebration) and a newcomer to the group of usual suspects turned out to be quite the conversationalist.  He has a lot to say and I allowed my uncontrollable curiosity to take sway and found myself listening to him for about 30 or 40 minutes with nothing much more than grunts and nods from me.
He strung out a line of various "conspiracy theory"stories that were rather interesting, but not compelling directives to factual truth.  The best one was the complete assurance that the Bush family engineered the assassination of JFK.  Now, I have to say that in my view, the Bushes could not organize a three car funeral, let alone the assassination of a president.

As I separated myself from him I mentioned that he should know that I was convinced (still am) that the vast amount of things that he said as though they are truth rung false to me.  His reaction?  "You don't trust the government and the media, do you?"  I told him, "No, neither your stories nor theirs strike me as being 100% worthy of my trust."  He just walked away.  I am very sure that he is happy that he won't have to put up with me at his Thanksgiving shindig. Which is true...and mutual :-)

Then, today I heard that the New York Times had an editorial taking the government and the presidential candidates to task for not correcting certain egregious fabrications that come out of the mouths of politicians.  The one that has been catching the greatest amount of attention these days is the story that Don Trump has been telling which describes his witnessing of thousands and thousands of Arabs dancing in the streets of Jersey City as the Twin Towers came crashing down in New York, across the East River on 9/11/2001.  One report in reaction to the New York Times' editorial was that everyone, from politicians to Joe Lunch Bucket is convinced that politicians, the media, the official government offices, the military, in short, EVERYONE lies -- all the time.   So to call anyone back to the factual truth is not worth the effort.

So, it appears as though we are living in the greatest cloud of dishonesty (if 100% lying is dishonest) that has ever existed.  Pretty daunting isn't it!  Everything that is spoken is a lie. Everything that is thought and not spoken is also a lie because it is the retention of the truth. 

Have you noticed that I did not include everything that is WRITTEN?
Therefore, be careful what you fight for

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