Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Stop.  Don't you dare Google this yet.  In fact, don't ever Google it.  You will regret Googling this until your dying day.  I did not Google it for long because I knew what I was seeking.  I also knew that I know nothing about what ENTROPY is, and I wanted to keep it that way.  I heard the word for the first time when I was 18 years old and visiting the members of the Dion family who had fled to California, just as their forebears had fled to Canada from France in the 17 / 18 centuries.  I didn't understand it then and I still don't now.  But it is an interesting concept and if you are a complete mechanical engineer nerd you may even have a ground-floor inkling if what it is.  Since I am not an engineer and since I don't know what the first law of Thermodynamics is, there is no way that I can talk intelligently about ENTROPY, the second law of thermodynamics.  I do know this, ENTROPY is the ENEMY of perpetual motion.  ENTROPY is the reason why a pendulum never swings back to the original point of departure.  At the peak of the initial swing a transfer of energy from upswing to downswing takes place and therefore the pendulum cannot return to the original point of departure.  Got it?  Good.  That was easy.  What is more difficult is that we encounter ENTROPY just about everywhere, every day and we never once give it a thought.  Well, maybe you don't but I do.  Yep, even though I don't even know what it is.  
So the years went by and now I am no longer 18.  Now I have a lot of intermingling thoughts about this phenomenon of nature.  One of them is that some scientists say that ENTROPY leads to chaos.  That's what the graph at the top shows.  That, for me, is hogwash, or in the Latin version, stercus taurorum.  The theory is that ENTROPY, like energy is eternal and cannot be created nor can it be annihilated.  So, if there is enough of it collected in a given location, chaos ensues.  The theory then goes that sooner of later there will be enough ENTROPY to plunge the entire world into irremediable chaos.  I don't believe that because I am of the belief that even chaos is not absolutely energy free.  I also don't believe that negative realities found in the laws of nature can cluster themselves into an anti -order/organization force and bring about the total end of order and organization.  I don't believe it.  Furthermore, I bring to you the suggestion of the Holy Bible. The Sacred book of Genesis relates how God took darkness and chaos and put it in order and imposed organization on it.  It is also true that God predicts a total destruction of the earth, but I believe that it will come from cataclysmic energy not, I repeat, not  from ENTROPY, puleeze!  ENTROPY is a reality that exists in the margin, it is the margin.  We grow old not because ENTROPY reaches out and kills us, it is because our vital energy is depleted, so we go away.  
It is now my turn to propose a machine for perpetual motion, based on Murphy's law.  No ENTROPY, promise.
I am sending you to a site where my answer to ENTROPY
can be found gloriously illustrated.  The static picture on the left is only slightly helpful in setting the scene.  Murphy's Law states that in a dining room with a plush white carpet, the toast that falls from the table will always land buttered-side down.
It is also a scientifically observed law of nature that a cat falling from any height will always land feet-first.  It is therefore possible to devise an anti-gravity, perpetual motion devise by tying the heavily buttered toast to the back of a cat and pushing the cat off the table that is situated on the plush white carpet.  The multi-medium visual proof is here ( your education and for the purpose of planting some doubt in your mind about ENTROPY.  Go see for yourselves.

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