Something struck me the other day. It twanged my High "C" string because it is something that rarely goes out of tune in me. I have oft repeated this conviction of mine, "Anonymity if the greatest obstacle on the road to progress."
I do not live the larger part of my life in anonymity. I do try to protect my online banking account, but even that is not 100% sure.
What usually happens in life is that an event tweaks your inner Ukelele and you get the vibes rubbing up against your tender queevates and you just have to get a laugh out if it because that's what keeps you sane. Well, let me tell you a story.
I was cruising along in the "social media ocean" on a site that I have come to enjoy. It is called "Quora", a plural form of "Quorum" and I find it interesting. It is a question and answer format a little bit in the style of Wikipedia. Many of the questions come under the shade of anonymity. I don't ask questions. I answer them when I see that I am competent to do so. I have been doing this for about two months now. I have also come to know that I have garnered a small following of "regulars."
This participatory activity and the four active blogs that I manage have pretty much wiped out any hope (if any) that I ever had for anonymity.
Here is the "Tweaker": I am looking to start Angel Investing. How can I get a deal flow, and get my name out there? Asked by "Anonymous."
How is "anonymous" going to get his/her name "out there?" Sure has me beat! I am sure that the angel investors are scrambling around in their offices with their checkbook in hand wondering where they should send their money in response to this dynamic individual's anonymous query on the World Wide Web.
I have long ago succeeded in getting anonymous email forwarders off my electronic door stoop by responding to all and daring them to sign their stercus taurorum before sending it to me.
It used to be a little more difficult to be anonymous. You had to write things down in your own hand; you had to mail it and the post office would have the origination point clearly stamped so as to cancel the postage; if you were lucky enough to have a telephone, that wouldn't help because your voice would be a give-away.
Speaking of telephones and anonymity. Did you every try to see if you could really disguise your voice if you spoke through a towel while on the 'phone? I did. I tested it by calling my friend at an off hour. I was glad to hear that it had been his mother to answer. Surely she had been fooled. My joy was short. I heard her say, "Donald, Paul is on the 'phone."
So friends and neighbors, boys and girls, "ladies and gentlemen and all ships at sea," tell the truth and sign your name to it. It is the guarantee that those who come to your funeral will not be crying. Come to mine first and you'll know that I am right.
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