Wednesday, April 22, 2015


  Do some people subconsciously pick a side of the bed? 
Here I present to you a question that I ran across while surfing the Internet rather than dedicating myself to my work.  It made me laugh because it didn't ask the question in relation to the questioner's fixed vantage point.  Was she at the head?  At the Foot? Was the question posed from the sunrise side of the house or the sunset side?  Maybe it was from the North looking South or vice versa?  Was the question regarding whether or not one would prefer the topside or the underside?  Was it asked about the human side of the person with whom I share the bed?  Finally, why a side?  What do I answer if I personally insist on the middle?  I suppose that would leave me with other options, v.g. The topside or the underside.

Actually, I did get a kick out of this question.  I actually dodged the bedside part of the question and answered it to myself in relation to a decision  that the Voice from the Kitchen and I made many years ago.  She would occupy the available space to my right as I lay on my back and I would be at her left as she lay on her back.  As it turned out this contributed to the longevity of our conjugal union.  Neither one of us could get up on the wrong side of the bed because the body of the other half of the union prevents it.  Plus, we chose the right side by default when we chose the human side of our nocturnal sojourn.

So, there you go.  Just another of the "365 Thoughts" that have appeared here through the years.  This one is not native to me, but I got a kick out of playing with it anyway.  I have some more, so hang in there.  Some of them may even make more sense than this one.

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