Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have to begin this by saying that all my life I have been told to make choices.  I have been told to learn how to make good choices.  I was going to say "judicious" choices, but that would get me ahead of myself.  One of my first pieces of advice came from my mother.  I had been in school for a very short time.  I was not yet seven years old.  It was the first time that she advised me, "When you choose friends, always choose someone better that you."  Now isn't that a license to judge people?  I think it is.  In my life I have gone from there to the bottom line to not suffer fools lightly.  To do that, you have to judge.  It is impossible to get through life without judging. In fact, it is impossible to get through life without being judged.  At least that's what it feels like.  That is the rub.  We keep being scolded into not judging people on the one hand, and then we get scolded for bringing a negative judgement down upon ourselves for some silly reason.  
Through the years, here's what I have come to learn.  If you evaluate the factual output of another person's human behavior, in my book that is acceptable, nay, necessary judging.  [Read the Bible reference well and you'll see what I mean..."good measure, packed down...] It is a fact that there are, in fact, inept, incompetent and unscrupulous people on this planet.  Most of us have no problem with these individuals as long as they stay within the boundaries of what skills they do possess and do not hinder our efforts toward perfection.  Throughout my life, I have never had a problem telling people that they had to move on to another line of work, or another environment where they could get better results from their life activity.  It is important that everyone do what falls within the limits of the skill set that has been given, received and developed.  That's it.  
That goes for me too, by the way.  I have been told a few times in my life that I had to move on because I was a fish in a bird's nest.  Every time it happened, I knew that the person telling me the truth was in fact, hitting the truth nail on the head.  In fact, I am still on very good terms with them all.  For one thing, they are happy that I am no longer a thorn in their side, so we can still be friends.  The last time I was told the truth about my performance, I agreed with the man and even gave him some tips on how to deal with the fallout from my poor performance.
I am convinced, and ever will be, that there is no better predictor of future behavior that the behavior of the past.  Like they say in politics,
"The past is prologue."  There is nothing morally wrong with this type of evaluation.  We run into trouble when we overstep our bounds and start to impute motives for behavior, rather than to evaluate the factual output as detached from the motive (intent).  So, my life effort is to go on judging, evaluating, choosing what and how to do things, for myself first.  The person who is honest with self is never surprised at the judgement/evaluation of others who comment about the factual output of behavior.  Then when the man tells you that you have to move on because you are more of a liability than an asset, you should not be surprised.  You should have moved on by using your own initiative before being told.

I could go on and on about this, but the essential part of my thought has been placed on the table.  If you want to hear the rest, you have to promise not to cry at my funeral.

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