Saturday, April 14, 2012


Whaaat?  No, can't be. One thing that it can be is that this thought of mine does not qualify for political punditry.  I got this thought because all the times that this sentence has been quoted, the semi-truth of it always comes crashing home to me and I wonder if it does the same to other humans.  It is abundantly clear to anyone whose been through a decent high school that corporations, privately held companies, social groups and so many other types of human communities, including counties, towns, cities and states possess legal standing as juridical persons.  It is true that they are not natural born human beings = people.  But they are persons, with a definite identity.  Their identity comes to them from the law, both common law and more specific law. Corporations in particular are legal persons who are, as so many other legal persons, made up of an agglomeration of human beings = people.
Because these entities are persons who have an identity, they have moral obligations to people and other legal persons and they have the right to be respected by the human beings whom they employ, those to whom they sell their products or services and the governing bodies of the locations that are the most affected by their presence, real and physical as well as  influential.  Because these entities are persons, they have the right to be protected by the authorities from damage that could be inflicted upon them by those who would like to see them be killed, so to speak.  
This is the balance that humans have to seek in this world.  Human beings are community beings.  Human beings are social animals.  
corporations are extensions of the communitarian nature of the humans who constitute them.  That is why there is a natural necessity that both, the natural born human and the legally constituted person made up of humans get along together in moral harmony.
I chose the picture at the top of the page precisely because I am convinced that it clarifies my thought on this topic.  It is a collection of well arrayed electrons that form a sort of person whose shape is akin to that of a natural human.  That strikes us from the first moment we sense the image.  We get similar sensations from the experience of changing domicile.  From the start, we either like or dislike the "array" of the new community.  When we change employment, we experience the same sensations.  It is because the new legal person's morality either pleases us or it doesn't.  You all know that I am not making this up.  You've lived it.  You can look it up in any philosophy book.  
I just had to let you know that the stuff you hear and read is not always 99/100's % pure truth.  Not even here.  Because I know that, and because I am comfortable with that, you will not dare to cry at my funeral.  You know why?  It's because although I will no longer be "people" I will continue to be a person, forever.  Anything wrong with that?  Heaven's no!

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