Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey, ya know what?  This is the 480th time I step out into the blogosphere from this location.  Imagine that!  I have also attracted 15,000.5 pairs of eyeballs.  The ".5"is no joke.  It's statistically and physically proven to be correct.  
It doesn't really matter to me whether or not I actually have a "thought" to match the title of the blog.  All that matters is that I write.  You see I go through several hours of sleepless mental activity about so many things.  I throw many thoughts out of the realm of possibility for this space.  There are personal things, religious things, political things and, and, just things, I guess.  There are things that occupy my mind with such great insistence that it is impossible to sleep.  The worst part of it is that for the most part I have no place to park them.  I maintain four or five blogs and sometimes I say to myself, "There's no way I am going to throw that out there on to the world."  So I stew and try to forget it.  Other times, the idea is so great and so big that I can't figure out how to chop it up into smaller pieces to make it fit into my real life as against my "spiritual" idea life.  After all, there are still only 24 hours in every day, and there are things that have to be done to keep the Voice from the Kitchen happy to be in the kitchen.  It's better that way, believe me.  Every time she comes out of there, she sits down and creates another inspirational Power Point idea and there it is, a few more hours of "creativity in from of the CRT" required.
So, that's what is going on.  Today starts Holy Week.  She and I have so many ideas that we will perhaps have to invent the 27 hour day to get them all done.  I'll let you know how that turns out.

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