Sunday, July 26, 2020


Believe it or not, I was "rescued" from a lonely desert life in 1975!
Back then I was slightly smaller than a tennis ball, quills and all.
Now I am close to 24 inches high and 24 inches in diameter.  
My stiff, very hardy sharp quills are an average of 1.75 inches long.
I have been in this location, Paul and Belle's yard, since 1981.
I am a jovial, friendly type who in my entire life have never harmed anything nor anyone.
I am the quasi companion of the loving human who took me out of the desert.

The Human:    
The Author

It was summer time and I was a vicar at a Catholic Parish in El Cajon, California.  I had the temerity to invite my agoraphobic mother, MJT Dion to come from Massachusetts for a few days.  Little did I ever dream that she would agree. Huh?  Here's what happened.  She told everyone that her son had invited her to California.  One of her dear friends, the dearest of dear friends said, "Well, it's not the moon, Mina, let's go together."  Now it is clear what happened:  BFF rules!  My mother actually gets on a plane and flies from Massachusetts to San Diego.  Thanks to Eva, BFF, Mina's gonna fly.

Don't get me wrong.  This was not the first time.  Her first flight was in honor of her dear baby, Roland.  It took her first born, me, to corral her but it was her sweet baby who won the prize.  Massachusetts to Texas.  That's a whole 'nother story, but not for now.

So back to me, sitting there by the side of the road in Borrego Springs, CA.  
I actually convinced MJT to get out of the vehicle to come and imitate Moses by walking the desert.
Mama never knew what a desert looked like.  All she knew was that the Israelites had a bad time there.
But, as afraid as she was, she trusted God to let her set foot in the desert.  Unlike Peter, she took a short, very short spin and jumped back in the car.
Once she was there, I was glad that no one would disturb me any more.  

The next thing I know is that I am in a damp, suburban style earth. That would be OK except that I am wondering what my future is.
First:  Potted plant.  Yecch, nothing worse. 
Then:  Nice rich soil with lots of water and other great food.
Finally (Maybe):  Comfortably warm sunny embrace most days and all the water I could ever hope for.

Finally, MJT is gone; Eva is gone; I am here.  Remember that when you are in the eternal threshhold
I would appreciate a simple wave and a sincere goodbye.

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