Sunday, July 29, 2012


When is the last time you heard this word?  Probably many years and you never give it much thought.  We go through stages when the "word du jour" seems to be en eternal part of our mental construct.  Then, without falling off the cliff of usage, our favorite words/expressions disappear in the fog of time.  I don't know why I thought of this one the other day.  It just popped up and there it was.  I asked my #2 son if he had ever heard it.  He said that he had, "centuries ago."  He's 32.  So we went on to another topic.  But I wasn't done.
My mind went around and around and there I was trying out the feel of a couple of old words that I haven't head or used in a long, long time.
I thought of "Shucks!" or even "Aw shucks!"
I thought of "Sugar!"
I even revisited "Turkey."  I had a friend who used to embellish that with "Jumpin' Tom Turkey!"
I remembered that we don't use "square" much any more,if ever.  Even "cool!" seems to be losing some of its heat.  Do you remember when something would be a "drag?"
Back in the day there used to be a lot of "baloney" in the world.  I think what happened there is that with the ease of travel and all, people came to know that the real word was "Bologna."
Of curse we won't even mention the slang terms that were used to name the warring factions of World War Two.
On the neutral side, I would just like to say that "yes," there are still "tin cans" in the world.  We don't see too many of them here, but there are some.
That's what went through my mind here lately.  Oh, I just thought of another one, It's time to "Skeedaddle."
If you can remember that, you're as old as dirt.

1 comment:

  1. Sister Robrecht, my 6th grade teacher, used to say "as old as Methuselah". I still use this expression.
    How about "start slow & taper off"...this is the motto of my husband when he retired.

    Love to you and the voice in the kitchen.
