Thursday, May 9, 2013


I have to tell you this story.  I also have to tell you that I have other, more important things to do, but this is too rich to take the chance that I will forget it.
I could start this story way back before creation, but the deluge is more fun, so I'll just dive in with a very short introduction.

A couple of years ago I had new synthetic lens implanted in my cataract-filled eyes.  After all was said and done I needed to get some spectacles that would allow me to read and to operate my computer.  The doctor told me that all I would need would be some $1.00 "Cheaters" from the thrift store.  I followed his suggestion and went to the store.  I walked in, picked up two pairs for the sake of multi-location operations, paid my $2.14 (VAT in California) and left.  I would have been gone in three minutes, but because of the line at the cash register, It was more like eight minutes,  DONE!

Today, while at the $0.96 store for other errands, I saw something akin to the picture featured above.  Yes, a nice looking lady whom I think, was shopping for a pair of reading glasses.  Maybe even two, what do I know?  I don't even know if she was shopping for "reading" glasses or for "look good" glasses.  She never once glanced at anything that had any writing on it to verify the effective results of having the glasses sitting on her nose.  Oh no, not this person.  All she ever looked at was her face in the little mirror provided for such as she.  I went around, bought my two items, cashed out and sneaked a look over my shoulder as I was leaving and there was the lovely lady still trying to figure something out by trying on cheap cheaters and checking the effect in the mirror.  I don't know at what time she arrived there to begin her project, but I do know for a fact that she was still at it at least 12 minutes more while I was casually sneaking snoopy goo-goo eyed glances at her to see if she was making any progress.

I have to say, I did think that here was a rather exquisite example of the essential difference between a man and a woman.  A man goes to buy glasses to see what is written on the printed page more clearly.  A woman goes to buy glasses so that she can spend time looking at her reflection so that she can see how she looks more clearly.  It's an interesting thought.  The only conclusion I could not make about this experience was the answer to the question:  "I wonder how many times a month she does this?

Oh, yes, I still have the two pair that I bought.  They still work fine and I am still as ugly as I was the day that I bought them.  

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