Monday, September 10, 2012


Hey, did you ever mess with this stuff? It is really weird.  It is supposed to tell you what your state of mind, your health, your intellect, your emotions, in short, your entire life status is supposedly contained in the mathematical computation of the various cycles of the chemical systems of your body.  I suppose it could become addictive.  It might be able to snatch someone into its grasp just out of curiosity.  A person could start to measure the truth of the graph against the truth of how the day is going.  It could get interesting to have someone go to bed and wonder what is going to happen tomorrow when the intellectual cycle is going to be in the minus 90 range and the emotional will be in the plus 75 area.  That situation could perhaps keep someone awake all night wondering when the phenomena are going to hit.  What if nothing happens?  That's easy.  It's because the sleepless night due to nervous energy skewed the normal influences of the elements.  So, tomorrow night don't let it get to you.
Well, that's not easy to do.  After all, aren't we all gluttons for future information?  Don't we all thrive on the dream of being able to predict what is going to happen?  How I'm going to feel?  How much energy will I have for "x" activity?  This is what we do.  We would not give a hoot about our rythms if we didn't bet on the possibility that we would then be able to predict tomorrow.  Let's face it.  Here I am doing this at 1:40 AM just because I looked at the biorythm chart that I checked through Google and it told me some very ugly stuff.  Like intellect = -89;  Physical = -65;
Emotional = + 30; Intuition = -41.  Whoa, why wait until tomorrow?  Oh, yeah, it is tomorrow.  Intellect, -89?  If I had a dog, at that level he could do this better than I!  -89?  Sheeesh!  Isn't that close to absolute zero?  It's gotta be.
All I can say is that I am glad that I am not hooked on the biorythm stuff.  Imagine going through all this denial once every single month?  No, wait, five or six times a month.  Every time one of your key elements goes into the dumper your whole life goes with it.  Who wants to live like that?  
You can tell that I am not going to get addicted to this hocus-pocus.  I'm crazy enough as it is.  I don't have to get out of my own back yard to find more crazy stuff.  Besides, I can live comfortably without caring about the future.  I already know what's going to happen anyway.  That's just the way I like it.  No drama.  No suspense.  Just blog away until you go away to stay with no sway and no swing, ding-a-ling, ding!

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