Friday, November 8, 2013


United States
United Kingdom
Don't ask me who they are.  I just know that I am told by my handy dandy stats reporter that there are people in these ten countries who read what you do.  To all of you around the world who read a simple old man's musings about his life, welcome and trust in my respect for you.  I am glad that I don't use foul language, except for the occasional Latin use of a common Anglo Saxon expletive, camouflaged for the sake of propriety and a show of Classical European culture.
Nearly three years ago now, on Thanksgiving eve I began to do this and I just never stopped.  In fact, from this I sprouted a couple more blogs because I did not want to compromise the nature of this one.  So I created one that is basically very style Catholic, not doctrinally Catholic in its totality.  Then I was cornered because every now and then I just love to let the grouch in me have his day, so I took a page out of Malcom Muggeridge and Jean Baptiste Poquelin de Molière and created a blog that is as much a rant as anything else.  You should visit that one...Wow, some good stuff there.  Lots of politics and soon there will be a post there about insurance companies...Oh insurance, if you please.  They made the mistake of messing with me while I am still alive.  They should have waited a while.  Then, a couple of years ago, the missionary in me decided that there is a way to evangelize and to exhort and to pray and meditate and reflect for personal growth and the edification of members of the Faith Community, so I have that one too and some of you read that one as well.  Truth to tell, it is a lot more mellow than the Crusty Kurmujjin, of course.
So now I am 16 days away from the third anniversary of my blogging life and on the anniversary, I will be partly in the air, partly in Istanbul and partly in Moab, the land of Ruth.  It's always fun to fly in the opposite direction of the International Dateline.  You never know where you are and are always mystified about what the time of day is.  So anyway, if you get word from me there, just realize that I am not looking for the Lost Ark... or whatever that place is renowned for!
So, this old man never ceases to be amazed at the wonders of the 21st century.  If you read the Crusty Kurmujjin, you will see that the amazement sometimes turns to utter disgust...without nary a nasty word, guaranteed.  That is one development of the 21st century that I am resisting.  I only cuss when certain people are around...and come to think of it, both of them are dead already...Sheesh! I'm getting old.
C ya's later, alligaters...

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