Friday, August 9, 2013


Many times I sit down and I scratch my head to look for the thought that I had at 2:00 PM and told myself that I did not want to forget because it was soooo hot!!  You've seen me brag about writing 600 of these "thoughts" and now we're on 601 and I have been sitting on it alllll day!  ...and I have not forgotten.
It is about a person whom I know, and have known for lo! these many years and I have always been trying to figure out just how much of what I hear I should believe.  Now we all know someone like this.  Many of us, myself included, know that some people who know us wonder the same thing about us.  So, it's not that anyone is immune to the situation.  It is, however an interesting place in my life that this conviction about the one individual of whom I write took so long to take root.  The other interesting thing about my conviction is that I am now glad that I am formally settled into the conviction that I have come to know that I am not being lied to.  I know that I will continued to enjoy my relationship with this friendly human creature.  Even though everything that I get from that direction is not the purest, pure truth.
This person is not a liar.  This person knows what the truth is.  It's just that there is a drive to make the truth appear better that what it really is so that I will be attracted to it.  The truth is always present in everything communicated, but it comes wrapped up in different ways as time progresses.  It's just up to me to find it.  It's like the same person with a different pair of glasses or a different haircut. I just have to get used to the different styles and cut through the embellished truth to see where the root of the message really is. You have to admit, this is an on-going conundum. It's a good thing, though.  With this puzzle in my life, I won't have to spend too much on crossword puzzles any more.  
The negative I can discover here is that instead of drilling down for the truth within the person, I just may enjoy myself playing with the puzzle rather that empathizing with the puzzler.
The good part about all this is that I really love this individual.
With an attitude like that, why cry at my funeral?

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