I did not translate because her numbers tell the story. She is cradling the MVP award of the professional woman's league in Portugal. Her story in English, below.
Jennifer Risper é a estrela que mais brilha
...is the star that burns brightest (Portuguese)

Em Algés, mora uma jogadora que tem o seu brilho próprio e que vem trazer qualidade e momentos de genialidade aos campos de basquetebol da Liga Feminina de Basquetebol. Se o cartão de visita de Jennifer Risper já deixava antever uma boa campanha em Portugal, a #8 do Algés tem demonstrado as qualidades que a conduziram à WNBA.
Na Jornada6 da LFB, a base norte-americana do Algés acabou por ser a grande figura: no jogo contra o MRGroup Olivais Coimbra, Jennifer Risper foi MVP, rainha das assistências e atleta com mais roubos de bolas. No desafio deste fim-de-semana, a #8 das algesinas voltou a ser a figura maior na importante vitória da sua equipa, terminando o jogo com 20 pontos, 7 assistências, 5 roubos de bola e 4 ressaltos. Tão, ou mais, importante que os seus números é a capacidade que Risper tem de assumir o jogo nas alturas decisivas. Nos momentos decisivos do jogo de Vagos tomou sempre as opções correctas: fosse para finalizar em bandeja, ou para assistir uma colega melhor posicionada para lançar.
Depois de ter sido a atleta em maior destaque no jogo da Supertaça Feminina, Jennifer Risper continua a demonstrar a sua qualidade e ao fim de 7 rondas da Liga Feminina, a base norte-americana é a MVP da competição com as médias de 18.3 pontos, 9.4 ressaltos, 5.7 assistências e 4.6 roubos de bola por jogo.
7 ASSISTS These are one game numbers
4 REBOUNDS (She's 5'9")
5.7 ASSISTS These are averages
We met this woman last night. She joined a small community of religious people from our church. She was there to talk about her change of career.
At the young age of xxvi she has lived more than what some of us can log over almost three times that amount. The adversity that she has had to overcome and the joys that have been showered upon her all flowed smoothly from her heart as she spoke.
She has decided to give her life to God. After a rather impressive professional basketball career, the numbers are there for you all, she has decided to be a lay college/university campus missionary. She is listening to the call to "Come and follow me." She will be stationed in Nebraska, yes, THAT Nebraska and she will be the spiritual guide, the prophet, if you will, in the athletic area of the institution.
We hear a lot about professional athletes. I personally totally lost interest in that universe 20 years ago. Of course it didn't help that I was living in San Diego! Be that as it may. Jennifer Risper has been the object of great adulation for many years. Through Vanderbilt U. and through her professional career, as you can tell by the picture celebrating her MVP award. She has left that all behind for the sake of the Kingdom.
We spent a wonderful two hours with her last night. I invite you to click on the link just below to see what it is that she is called to do. This, I'm gonna watch. http://www.focus.org/
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