Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Brace yerself, this one's gonna getcha.
I saw sumthin' taday that brought all kinda thoughts to floodin' my mind...
Thunderbolt - you know the WWII P-47 types...
Thunderclap - you know, the explosive snap after the lightning bolt that happened just 1/2 mile away...
Thunderhead - like the thick, gnarled black clouds just over the hill...
Thunderstorm - like in raining cats and dogs for 15 minutes accompanied by fiery lightning and noise from Hell...
Thunderstruck - like too much $50.00 a fifth Bourbon on New Year's eve...
Thundermug - ...
... nuff said!
    I honestly thought that EFR Dion had made that word up when he first used it in front of me.  I still thought that when today, for the first time in at least 60+ years, I actually saw the cutie that you see up above.  It showed up at our place in San Diego, on the patio, please, just as pert and pretty as you please like you can all appreciate from the picture.  So, just to test myself and my skepticism about the name of this artifact, I put EFR Dion's word in the slot at the top of the Google page,

and there it was, just as big as life, a real, enameled metal thundermug, without the gentile cover and the cute design on the side.

Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and cousines, friends and neighbors, ladies and gentlemen, you all, old and young from near and far, you have before you a hint of some of the things that run through my warped, pretzel shaped mind on any given day. 
Hey, it's better than Alzheimers, ain't it? Hmmm,or is it?

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