Every now and then something happens around the house or in the world around me that makes me want to shake my head and laugh. Some of the stuff that gets to me is really trivial, but it has an impact that makes me shudder with excitement at the idiosyncratic behavior it causes in my cranial neural synapses. It's a good thing too because then I know that those electro-chemical systems are still working.
Take this cup that you see in the picture. I hope that you are not squinting trying to read what is on it. That is not why it is there. It is there because the something that got me "All Shook Up" sent me scurrying for a picture like the one here. You see, in my experience, if a coffee mug drops or otherwise strikes something hard it is lucky if the handle is the only thing that breaks. Lucky, I say because then it lives to see another day. Lucky because then it will be pointed in another career direction and its life stands a chance of being more interesting than just being a hot liquid container that has to stand grimy morning mouths slobbering gingerly around its edges. Lucky because it stands a chance of being some elegant office equipment holder/dispenser on the Head Janitor's desk. This one is lucky because it reminds me of all the other coffee cups I've ever seen with their handles compromised. So, it made it to this blog and will now become famous around the world.
I now move you to the stunning reality that invaded my life a couple of days ago. I reached into the kitchen cabinet where the coffee cups are [NO, I do NOT have a favorite coffee cup] and my eye fell upon the weird object seen here to the side.
How did that happen? I was home alone at the tme so I could not question the Voice from the Kitchen about it. I wondered how that could happen. Did she decide to rearrange the looks of some of the coffee cups? Look at that thing. It is a work of art. The two places where the roots of the handle should be are there but the roots are gone. I took it into my hands and fondled it for a good two or three minutes, just to see if it is still real and not a ghost or anything like that. When I put it down again a cloud of puzzlement washed over me. What does the future hold for this poor freak of cup nature? What role will it be able to play? Does its present condition impart more character to it? Is it handicapped because it has no stubs that might make it easier and less slippery to handle? Is this the 21st century cool? I'll tell ya, I'm lost. Cups in the '40's and '50's had more sense than this. What kind of a life is this poor mug going to have? Who's going to want a cup that looks like this? Is this a cup or a post-modern glass? Where do you put someting that looks like this?
I give up. I'm turning it over to you. Give me some ideas. If you don't, you'll share in the responsibility of having put a poor invalid out of a nice warm house and cozy home. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, now would you?
Take this cup that you see in the picture. I hope that you are not squinting trying to read what is on it. That is not why it is there. It is there because the something that got me "All Shook Up" sent me scurrying for a picture like the one here. You see, in my experience, if a coffee mug drops or otherwise strikes something hard it is lucky if the handle is the only thing that breaks. Lucky, I say because then it lives to see another day. Lucky because then it will be pointed in another career direction and its life stands a chance of being more interesting than just being a hot liquid container that has to stand grimy morning mouths slobbering gingerly around its edges. Lucky because it stands a chance of being some elegant office equipment holder/dispenser on the Head Janitor's desk. This one is lucky because it reminds me of all the other coffee cups I've ever seen with their handles compromised. So, it made it to this blog and will now become famous around the world.

How did that happen? I was home alone at the tme so I could not question the Voice from the Kitchen about it. I wondered how that could happen. Did she decide to rearrange the looks of some of the coffee cups? Look at that thing. It is a work of art. The two places where the roots of the handle should be are there but the roots are gone. I took it into my hands and fondled it for a good two or three minutes, just to see if it is still real and not a ghost or anything like that. When I put it down again a cloud of puzzlement washed over me. What does the future hold for this poor freak of cup nature? What role will it be able to play? Does its present condition impart more character to it? Is it handicapped because it has no stubs that might make it easier and less slippery to handle? Is this the 21st century cool? I'll tell ya, I'm lost. Cups in the '40's and '50's had more sense than this. What kind of a life is this poor mug going to have? Who's going to want a cup that looks like this? Is this a cup or a post-modern glass? Where do you put someting that looks like this?
I give up. I'm turning it over to you. Give me some ideas. If you don't, you'll share in the responsibility of having put a poor invalid out of a nice warm house and cozy home. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, now would you?